Developer Forum

The developer forum is part of our proactive approach to improve the delivery of schemes with planning permission, schemes that have yet to proceed and also encourage new schemes to come forward. In addition, the forum intends to create open and transparent channels of communication between developers and officers, which in turn will improve our working relationship with you and improve the pre-application and planning application processes.

Please note that the Developer Forum is an invitation only event. If you are interested in attending this event, please email us at


Latest Developer Forum

The latest developer forum was held on Friday 24 November 2023 and focused on devolution and the Local Plan Review.


Previous Developer Forum Events

Friday 21 July 2023 - Addressing the Climate Change Emergency


Friday 24 March 2023 - Change


Friday 9 December 2022 - Design


Friday 12 August 2022 - Environment and infrastructure


Tuesday 7 December 2021 - Mansfield Town Centre Masterplan (webinar)

  • Attendees had an update on the masterplan from consultants Allies and Morrison.


Thursday 13 May 2021  - Recovery & Growth following the Covid-19 pandemic (webinar)


Friday 17 January 2020 - A Smart District 


Friday 4 October 2019 - Housing Delivery 


Friday 7 June 2019 - Retail


Friday 1 February 2019 - Viability


Friday 5 October 2018 - Launch Event


Growth Delivery Group

Please use the following form to sign up to the Growth Delivery Group.

Growth Delivery Group Sign-up form