Evidence to support the Local Plan

Supporting evidence

Mansfield today

Mansfield today is a description of the key issues facing the district.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

The Local Plan has to be accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal report (link opens in a new window). Sustainability appraisal is an ongoing process undertaken throughout the preparation of a plan or strategy. Its purpose is to assess how well the emerging policies or proposals will achieve environmental, social and economic objectives.

Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)

Habitat Regulations Assessment is required under European law to ensure planned development does not negatively affect areas that contain protected species and habitats of European importance.

Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA)

Duty to Cooperate strategy (DtC)

Local planning authorities are required to demonstrate cooperation with adjoining authorities and other organisations on strategic planning matters - a process known as the Duty to Cooperate (DtC). The Nottingham Outer Statement of Common Ground has been prepared jointly between the parties consisting of Ashfield District Council (ADC), Mansfield District Council (MDC), and Newark and Sherwood District Council (NSDC), known thereafter as "the Authorities". A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Authorities. We have also signed a Statement of Common Ground with Bolsover District Council (BDC).

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

The council recognise that it is essential that communities and businesses within Mansfield should have the opportunity to contribute to the preparation of plans and policies. This document explains how you can get involved in the planning system, including the emerging Local Plan. It also explains the council's commitment to assisting communities who want to pursue new Neighbourhood Planning options.

Health and Wellbeing

Rapid Health Impact Assessment

 Vision and Objectives Background Paper


For older information please go to the archive.