What types of behaviours are anti-social?
The term ‘Anti-social Behaviour’ covers a wide range of unacceptable activity that blights the lives of many people daily. There are three main categories for ASB, depending on how many people are affected. The types of behaviours can include:
Personal ASB that targets a particular individual or specific group, or is aimed at having an impact on a particular individual or incident rather than a community at large including:
- Verbal or written abuse
- Threats of violence
- Assault
- Damage to property
- Keeping and failing to control an aggressive dog(s)
- Using or allowing premises to be used for illegal or immoral activity such as prostitution, handling/storing of stolen goods, handling/storing of drugs.
- Harassment – including hate related incidents
- Loud televisions and music
- Rowdy, inconsiderate, or threatening behaviour
- Using loud, foul language
Nuisance ASB that cause trouble, annoyance, inconvenience, offence or suffering to people in the local community in general rather than targeted at an individual including:
- Loud televisions and music
- Persistent, unnecessary, or excessive noise
- Shouting or yelling
- Excessively loud and frequent parties
- Persistent alarms
- Dogs barking persistently
- Individuals or incidents that cause trouble, annoyance, inconvenience, offence or suffering to people in the local community in general rather than targeted at an individual.
- Drug dealing, drug production, drug misuse, offensive smells from the smoking of cannabis
- Failure by tenants to prevent children or visitors from behaving anti-socially
- Misuse of communal area (including parking issues)
Environmental ASB that are inconsiderate actions which impact upon the natural, built and social environment including:
- Littering
- Fly-tipping
- Graffiti
- Vehicles burnt out/abandoned
- Dog fouling
- Flyposting
- Types of bonfires
- Waste in gardens
- Condition of gardens/properties
Other things that may affect people’s quality of life:
- Vehicles – parking obstructions/noisy vehicles
- Invasion of privacy
- Property damage
- Youth related problems
- Problems surrounding alcohol and substance abuse/misuse
- Begging
- Street drinking public drunkenness