Anti-Social Behaviour/Hate Crime Policy

Roles and responsibilities

We will ensure that tenants are made aware of their responsibilities regarding ASB/Hate Crime at tenancy sign up, this will be ongoing during any investigations made.

Our tenancy conditions will clearly state tenant responsibilities regarding nuisance and harassment, ASB and Hate Crime.

We will make available to all tenant’s information on how to report incidents of

ASB/Hate Crime and how we will deal with them. As a landlord we will adopt a range of preventative measures including:

  • Designing out ASB in our existing estates and new developments
  • Using sensitive lettings where appropriate
  • Undertaking safety and security measures on our estates and individual homes, e.g., the sanctuary scheme for cases of Domestic Abuse
  • Continually reviewing our Action Plans dealing with specific reports of ASB

Continually reviewing our Action Plans dealing with specific reports of ASB