Policy objectives
Our approach to ASB/Hate Crime:
As a landlord we will take a balanced approach to tackling ASB/Hate Crime focusing on:
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Enforcement
- Support for the vulnerable (both victims and perpetrators)
As a landlord we understand the importance of resolving issues of ASB/Hate Crime before it escalates. Not only in terms of making our neighbourhoods safer places, but the added value and cost effectiveness of early intervention.
Where appropriate we will intervene to address issues of ASB/Hate Crime and we will work with our partners to deliver a range of interventions including:
- Offering a variety of methods for reporting ASB/Hate Crime
- Early response to an initial report of ASB/Hate Crime
- Support via Specialist Housing Management Officers
- Taking a multi-agency approach to tackling ASB/Hate Crime
- Recognising vulnerabilities of both complainants and perpetrators
- Offering mediation where appropriate
- Undertaking, where appropriate, safety and security measures on our estates and individual homes, e.g., the sanctuary scheme for cases of Domestic Abuse
- Considering prevention methods on new developments.
As a landlord we will seek to ensure that our staff are adequately trained to deal with anti-social behaviour and are kept up to date with any changes in the law and there implications on working practices.
Where all reasonable steps have been taken to change or prevent ASB/Hate Crime, or in serious cases of ASB/Hate Crime, careful consideration will be given to the use of enforcement powers to deal with the problem. There are a range of enforcement measures available which include, but not in all cases:
- Warning Letters
- Verbal Warnings
- Injunctions
- Notice Seeking Possession/Notice of Possession Proceedings
- Community Protection Warnings
- Community Protection Notices
- Fixed Penalty Notices
- Criminal Behaviour Orders
- Community Resolution (this would be a Police action)
- Mandatory Grounds for Possession
This is not an exhaustive list, and we will consider all available tools at our disposal. Eviction however will always be a last resort.
Support for the Vulnerable (both victim and perpetrator)
Where safeguarding issues arise, the Council will support and make referrals to our partner agencies for support and to protect vulnerable adults and children.
Where appropriate, support can be given through the Council’s Housing Management Officers (Specialist Support).