Planning your own event

Where do I start?

The Nottinghamshire Event Planning A-Z guide (opens in new window) provides lots of information to help you understand the different elements of event planning. You can use this, alongside national guidance documents, to get a better understanding of everything from accident reporting and insurance to stewards and risk assessments.

To help you through the booking process for an event on Mansfield District Council (MDC) land, we have compiled this simple event-planning guide. See the sections to find out more.

The information on these pages is applicable to any event of any size that takes place on MDC land, including parks and open spaces and Mansfield town centre. But can be used for planning any private event too as the procedures are recognised across the county as best practise.

We also encourage event organisers to reduce their levels of single use plastics and recyclable packaging.

Once you have read the following sections, if you have any questions please email us on