Performance roadmap
1. Our Plan
- Priorities - Mayor and Cabinet
- Council services - Corporate Leadership Team (CLT)
2. Medium-term financial plan
- Transformation
- Capital Strategy
- Housing Strategy
- Risk and Assurance
- Investment and Asset Strategy.
(Managed by Head of Finance and CLT)
3. Theme delivery plans
- Key aim
- Actions
- Identified outcomes.
(Managed by Theme Leads)
4. Service plans
- Set actions
- Set outcomes
- Set KPIs.
(Managed by Heads of Service)
5. Implementation
- Business as usual
- New areas of work programmes and projects
- Actions set in PDRs and 121s.
(Managed by Heads of Service and Managers)
6. Analyse, report and evaluations
Every quarter
- Monitor progress
- Financial and resource monitoring
- Overview and Scrutiny
- Cabinet
- CLT.
(Managed by CLT)
7. Review and learning
- Analyse performance
- Identify weaknesses and strengths
- Identify areas for improvement
- Implement recommended actions or changes to programmes.
(Managed by CLT)
8. Refresh
Annual review of the plan.
(Managed by Head of People and Transformation and CLT)
The process then rebegins at point 1.