Key achievements
Since the adoption of the strategy in 2019 MDC have delivered on and supported several key projects across the district including:
- Adopted the Town Centre Master Plan and Design code that sets the framework for encouraging high quality development.
- Secured £20m from the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) for the Mansfield Connect project – a new civic and community hub in the heart of the town centre.
- Severn Trent’s £76m SUDS scheme across the district.
- £7.7m Bellamy Regeneration scheme underway.
- Completed the purchase of White Hart Street buildings and implemented a design competition to regenerate the area.
- Secured £1.3m National Lottery heritage fund to improve the street scape and quality of our important and valued buildings.
- Supported the Safer Streets initiative in Mansfield and Warsop in partnership with the Police.
- Developed the Mansfield Healthy Homes Hub to support residents with complex needs.
- Secured £12.3m through the approved Town Investment Plan to deliver 5 projects including:
- Destination Mansfield project
- Destination Parks (Berryhill Park) project
- Warsop Health Hub project
- West Nottinghamshire College Future Technology Centre
- SMART Mansfield project.
- Gained DAHA accreditation in partnership with Women’s Aid.
- Mansfield Cultural Services were granted National Portfolio Organisation status.
- Provided grants of up to £2,000 to businesses across the district through the Economic Stimulus Fund.
- Provided support to Mansfield business community through advice and guidance including access to wider funding opportunities.
- Delivered £1m Urban greening projects to improve public spaces in the Town centre.
- Developed a Climate Change Strategy and delivery plan aimed at reducing carbon emissions across the district.
- Developed four Passivhauses family homes.
- Delivered the Bellamy health and wellbeing projects.
- Launched the Mansfield START Portal – a one stop shop for students to received personalised information.
- Invested in our leisure centres across the district to improve the facilities and introduce carbon reduction and energy saving measures.
- Supported the development of projects and initiatives to tackle food insecurity:
Mansfield District Council projects:
- Mansfield Fuel Bank (operated by Fuel Bank Foundation)
- Mansfield FOOD clubs (operated by Family Action)
- Cost of Living Summit and Roadshows
- Cost of Living webpage and support booklet
- Warm Rooms.
Nottinghamshire County Council projects we have supported the delivery of:
- HAF (Holiday Activity and Food Programme)
- Household Support Fund.