Towards 2030: A Strategy for Mansfield

Our district profile


The Mansfield district is an area of 30 square miles (78 sqkm).


Mansfield has a population of 110,500 (2021). Between 2011 and 2021, Mansfield's population increased by 5.8%, which was lower than the overall increase for the East Midlands (7.7%) and England (6.6%).

Age breakdown

The median age in Mansfield is 41 years (2021). Median age for England and Wales is 40.

Overall, Mansfield has a similar age profile to the regional and national averages. The proportion of over 65-year-olds in Mansfield is slightly higher than the national average.


95% of usual residents identified their ethnic group as white.

Average earnings

The gross weekly pay (2022, by place of residence) for full-time workers in Mansfield is £540.2, which is lower than the national average (£642.2).


Mansfield has particularly high levels of deprivation in terms of education, skills and training, health deprivation and disability, and employment.

Over 50% of LSOAs* (neighbourhoods) in Mansfield are in the top 20% most deprived (deciles 1 and 2) in England for these domains.