The council is committed to maximising the number of new homes built on suitable brownfield land. This helps reduce the amount of greenfield land lost to development and regenerate the existing urban area of Mansfield district.
As part of this the council prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land. The Register is comprised of brownfield sites that are suitable for residential use. This can include sites with planning permission or allocated in local plans.
The Register is kept in two parts. Part 1 contains all sites that have been assessed as suitable, available and achievable in the Housing Economic Land Availability Assessments (HELAA). Sites entered in Part 2 of the Brownfield Land Register will be granted permission in principle, which establishes the suitability of the land for housing-led development.
As part of giving sites permission in principle there is a requirement to hold public consultation. It is proposed that the following sites are given permission in principle:
- Site No. 1 (opens in a new window) Part of the Former Mansfield Brewery, Mansfield (20-30 homes)
- Site No. 33 (opens in a new window) Wood Lane (Miners Welfare), Church Warsop (25-35 homes)
- Site No. 68 (opens in a new window) Kirkland Avenue Industrial Park, Mansfield (15-25 homes)
- Site No. 75 (opens in a new window) Former Mansfield Hosiery Car Park, Mansfield (25-35 homes)
The brownfield sites are available to view using the following GIS shape file
Download GIS Shape File zip folder
Consultation on the proposals is expected to begin shortly. Details of the consultation and how comments can be made will be available on this website.
The register is available for download in the following formats:
The Brownfield Register will be reviewed annually. If you are aware of any additional brownfield sites that could be included in the Register please submit them as part of the HELAA.