Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are material considerations in the planning process. They provide further information and additional detail to the policies within the Local Plan.

Planning Obligations SPD

The Planning Obligations SPD was adopted by the council on 20 September 2022.  It sets out the council’s approach to securing financial and / or physical obligations towards local infrastructure that is required to mitigate the impact of development.

Sustainable Drainage Systems SPD

The Sustainable Drainage Systems SPD was adopted by the council on 7 March 2023. The document provides guidance to prospective developers and applicants on how proposals can demonstrate they have met the requirements of planning policy in relation to SuDS in Mansfield district. The SPD seeks to increase certainty in relation to the delivery of SuDS in the development process and also ensure that their delivery and subsequent maintenance is based on a clear and consistent approach.

Affordable Housing SPD 

The Affordable Housing SPD was adopted by the council on 5 September 2023.  It provides more details about how the planning system will help secure the provision of affordable housing within the district. This includes cases where physical or financial planning obligations (also known as Section 106 Agreements or 'planning gain') may be required and how any financial obligations will be calculated.  It also sets out the district council’s position on how it will address the requirements in relation to First Homes.

Affordable Housing SPD

Adoption Statement

Consultation Statement

Mansfield Viability Update May 2023

Mansfield Viability Update Appendix A

Mansfield Viability Update Appendix B

Mansfield Viability Update Appendix C

Biodiversity Net Gain SPD

The Biodiversity Net Gain SPD was adopted by the council on 5 September 2023.  It sets out the preferred approach to providing biodiversity net gain arising from new developments. The SPD will provide a basis for seeking biodiversity net gain in advance of the mandatory 10 percent target from November 2023 onwards, introduced by the Environment Act 2021.

Biodiversity Net Gain SPD

Adoption Statement

Consultation Statement

The Biodiversity Net Gain Framework (the Framework) has been prepared by all Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire in conjunction with the Local Wildlife Trust. The Framework seeks to set out an aligned position in delivering Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) across the county.

The Framework was used to inform the council’s adopted Biodiversity Net Gain SPD. The Framework itself mainly seeks to set a consistent approach to BNG across the county. It will help to inform future planning policies and is a material consideration when determining planning albeit with modest weight in decision making.

All LPAs have agreed to the content of the document.

Green Infrastructure SPD

The Green Infrastructure (GI) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the Council on 5 March 2024.  The SPD seeks to encourage high quality GI as part of new developments and maximise improvements and links to existing GI. The SPD provides guidance to developers and is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

If you have any queries about an SPD please contact the Planning Policy team by email at  or telephone 01623 463463

Town Centre Masterplan and Design Code

The council have prepared a Town Centre Masterplan and a Town Centre Design Code which have been adopted as council policy. The preparation of the documents included extensive consultation and involvement of key stakeholders.

The documents have not been adopted as Supplementary Planning Documents but have followed the same approach as SPD preparation and should therefore attract similar weight in the decision-making process.

More information on these documents can be accessed on the town centre web page.