
Main Modifications:

The following documents were made available by Mansfield District Council for inspection between 29 October and 10 December 2019:


Publication Draft:

We consulted on the Mansfield District Local Plan - Publication Draft 2018 (opens in a new window) [43MB] between 20 September and 1 November 2018 ahead of its submission to the Secretary of State for an Examination in Public.


Preferred Options:

We consulted on the Preferred Options Consultation Document 2013 - 2033 (opens in a new window) [25MB] between 2 October 2017 and 10 November 2017.

Summary document (opens in a new window) [1.8MB]; was prepared setting out the key highlights of the Preferred Options consultation document 2017.



Consultation Draft:

The Mansfield District Local Plan - Consultation Draft (opens in a new window) [14.5MB] built on previous consultation exercises and informed the final version of the Local Plan. It was available for public consultation between 11 January and 22 February 2016, and 3 August and 14 September 2016 under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. 


Scoping Report:

The Local Plan Scoping Report (opens in a new window) [4.3MB] set out what we thought the Local Plan should include.