Development management and planning policy document consultations

What are development management and planning policy document consultations?

Mansfield District Council seeks the views of residents, business owners and stakeholders on the development of planning policy and development management documents.

Current consultations

Local Validation Requirements for Planning Applications

Mansfield District Council has carried out a review of the local validation requirements for planning applications and would welcome your views. The Council is required to review the list every two years.  We last reviewed our requirements in 2022.  The proposed changes are predominately as a result of legislative and policy changes.

Please view a copy of the revised Local Validation List,

The Consultation is open for six weeks from 7th June 2024 until 5 p.m. on 19th July 2024. 

Please email any comments to: or in writing to Planning Department, Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield NG19 7BH

If you have any accessibility problems with the document, please call: 01623 463201

After the consultation period, Mansfield District Council will consider all the comments received and amend the Local Validation List as appropriate. Once approved this will form the basis on which planning applications are deemed valid by the Council.

Please note, although it will not be possible to respond to specific comments, all comments will be recorded and fed into the consultation process.

Commenting on planning policy consultations

All comments need to be made in writing. You can do this, and keep up to date with new consultation events, by using our Consultation portal (opens in new window).

Comments can also be sent in by writing to:

Planning Policy Team
Mansfield District Council
Civic Centre
Chesterfield Road South
NG19 7BH

Or email us at

Any comments sent by post should reach the council by the end of the consultation period.

Please note that any comments you make may be made publicly available and your data will be processed in accordance with our privacy statement.

Social media

You can follow the council’s social media for more information on planning in Mansfield district.

Previous consultations

Draft Green Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Consultation end date: 20 October 2023

Current status: Adopted 5 March 2024

Consultation Statement

Mansfield District Local Plan Review – Issues and Opportunities

Consultation end date: 20 October 2023

Current status: Work in progress

Consultation Statement: Not yet available

Draft Mansfield Town Centre Design Code

Consultation end date: 18 August 2023

Current Status: Adopted 15 November 2023

Consultation Statement

Consultation Statement - Appendix 2

Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Consultation end date: 20 February 2023

Current Status: Adopted 5 September 2023

Consultation Statement

Draft Biodiversity Net Gains Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Consultation end date: 20 February 2023 

Current status: Adopted 5 September 2023

Consultation statement

Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Consultation end date: 12 September 2022

Current Status: Adopted 7 March 2023

Consultation Statement

Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Consultation end date: 14 March 2022

Current Status: Adopted 20 September 2022

Consultation Statement

Draft Mansfield Town Centre Masterplan

Consultation end date: 23 December 2021

Current Status: Adopted 2 August 2023 

Consultation Statement

Consultation Statement - Appendix 3c

Draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

Consultation end date: 26 July 2021

Current Status: Adopted 20 January 2022

Consultation Statement 

SEA Screening Report and HRA Screening Report for the Warsop Neighbourhood Plan

Consultation end date: 13 February 2019

Current Status: Work in progress

Consultation Statement: Not available – See Neighbourhood Planning Webpage

Warsop Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan 2013-2033

Consultation end date: 19 November 2018

Current Status: Work in progress

Consultation Statement: Not available – See Neighbourhood Planning Webpage

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) - Site submission form and draft methodology

Consultation end date: 31 December 2016

Current Status: Evidence base for local plan/housing supply calculations

Consultation Statement: N/A – Please view the HELAA webpage


Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

It is important that we engage with the community throughout the preparation of the Local Plan and other planning policy documents. In doing this we need to ensure we follow the council's Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 2022 (opens in new window) and the regulations governing the development plan process.

We are required by legislation to produce a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) every five years.