
The Code of Conduct for Buskers and Street Performers

Choosing a location

When choosing a spot, please leave plenty of space. Don't block pedestrians or vehicles on the highway (this includes pavements and pedestrianised areas) or allow your audience to do so. Make sure access is clear to shops, cycle stands and bus stops. Remember that the blind, partially sighted and less able bodied people may not be aware of an obstruction on the pavement.

Please do not pitch yourself within earshot of another busker or entertainer who is already performing.

Do not use street furniture such as, lampposts, benches and bins. Avoid standing too close to public telephones as people may need to use them.

The performance

Your actions, appearance, dress, lyrics, script or props must not cause offence or alarm to other users of the town centre.

Please do not ask for money or use signs to invite payment.

The performance should not be so loud that it can be heard 50 metres away. A small battery powered portable amp should be sufficient for most busker's needs.

Amplification is not encouraged as it often leads to complaints, at which point you would be requested to either lower the volume, move on or even stop performing.

Drumming should only be included as a minor part of the act.

Please consider people who live, work and visit the town and keep performances short and try not to be too loud. Try to make your performance varied, rather than repetitive.

We recommend performances should last no longer than 3 hours, followed by a 15 minutes break every 45 minutes. After that, please move to a new spot. You may return to the same place after two hours.

Try to make your performance varied and avoid causing nuisance to residents, retailers or other town centre users with repetitive music.

If you want to sell copies of your musical performance, you will need a licence from Mansfield District Council.

Requests for charity donations will require a permit from the licensing authority.

Performances must not be delivered in a manner which is dangerous to you or to members of the public.

Stop performing when asked to do so by a police officer or a council officer.

The above code has been devised following consultation with Mansfield BID, town management teams, businesses, the community and Mansfield District Council together with local buskers. This will be in place for a six month trial period (May 1 to 31 October 2023) and shall then be reviewed in November 2023. This code is a local understanding so that we can all work together to make Mansfield town centre enjoyable for all.

This code is not a form of legislation. Any breaches of it, as well as any behaviours that could potentially violate official laws, will be dealt with separately in correspondence to them. Some of which are listed within this code for guidance.