Ways to pay
There are several ways to pay to park with RingGo:
- by smartphone app
- by calling the automated phone service
- by text message
- through the internet (either via a mobile or pc)
- via a RingGo Corporate account.
Smartphone app
iPhone, Android, Windows phone and Blackberry 10 users can download a RingGo smartphone application (free of charge), through their handset or from the relevant store. The app allows you to register for the service, locates your nearest RingGo zone, lets you manage your account and allows you to pay to park directly through the app.
Click on the links below to go the relevant website:
- iPhones handsets - Apple iTunes store (opens in a new window)
- Android handsets - Google play (opens in a new window)
Automated phone service
To use the automated phone service, you simply call the telephone number on the signs when you want to park. RingGo will remember you (by recognising your mobile phone number) and ask you to:
- Confirm the vehicle you want to park
- Confirm the location where you want to park
- Say how long you want to stay
- Provide the security code from your credit card.
Text to park
Park and pay by text by sending a message such as 'RingGo carpark location number 5173, Duration 1h, Card security code’ to 81025, which will pay for parking your nominated vehicle for 1 hour in Church Lane car park.
For details on how to set up the service for your particular location please see the myRingGo website (opens in a new window)
Internet options
If you have a phone with mobile internet access, you can use the myRingGo website (opens in a new window) to pay for your parking. Simply login and complete the details. Alternatively you can use the same link from a standard pc or other internet connected device.
RingGo corporate
Businesses can also set up a pre-paid RingGo corporate (opens in a new window) account which employees can use to pay for their parking when they park for business purposes. This saves the hassle of pay and claim expense handling as well as providing a consolidated parking receipt, which is HMRC approved, enabling the company to claim back any VAT that us charged on parking payments.