Independent Report into Berry Hill Quarry development is made available

A photo of Berry Hill cliff with barriers

Following the landslip in November 2019 at the former Berry Hill Quarry, an independent review of the planning process and ongoing maintenance of the cliff face has concluded.

Carried out by an experienced former public sector solicitor and independent legal consultant, Jayne Francis-Ward, the findings of the report outline a series of learning points regarding the development of housing in proximity to the cliff face. A summary report has been made available to the public.

Chief Executive Hayley Barsby said, “The landslip raised many questions regarding the development at the Berry Hill Quarry site from the residents, the public and our own elected members.

“Although our geotechnical experts concluded that the landslip was caused by extreme climatic conditions,  it was important to review the process and be clear on whether the Council had acted appropriately since approving the planning application.” 

On the instruction of the Chief Executive, Ms Francis-Ward carried out a thorough desk top review and investigation into all things Berry Hill. 

In her report, she acknowledges that the lengthy history of the site meant that not all of her initial questions could be answered fully, and that the majority of senior officers who oversaw the planning and legal processes were no longer with the authority. 

The main conclusions drawn from the report show that the council acted reasonably in granting the outline planning permission for the former Berry Hill Quarry site, and, that in the four technical reports received at the date of adoption, there was no anticipation of major landslips in the quarry area.  

However, with hindsight Ms Francis-Ward also concludes that stabilisation works or detailed reports on the stability of the cliff face should have been sought earlier, that alternative proposals should have been considered relating to the long-term maintenance of the cliff face and cliff top, and that the recommendations made by Halcrow should have been expedited. 

Ms Francis-Ward’s review makes several recommendations to the council. It is suggested that in the future any long-term large scale projects require improved programme management and that when due diligence is undertaken appropriate financial and legal advice is sought to ensure that the council can meet its long-term obligations.  

Hayley Barsby said “I’d like to thank Ms Francis-Ward for her open and honest appraisal of the Berry Hill case. I’d also like to say thank you to the residents of the Berry Hill area for their patience regarding this matter. 

One thing is very clear, we must learn from this and ensure that there is no repeat of such an incident in the district.”

At the time of the landslip Mansfield District Council supported 16 households whilst they were evacuated. The council also installed temporary mitigation works to put in place blocks and bunds in a widened buffer zone and Heras fencing was installed to provide extra protection to properties whilst a scheme was developed for long-term stabilisation works. 

A contractor has been appointed to deliver a project comprising of mesh and pegs across the cliff face and a toe wall at the foot of the cliff, as recommended by the council’s geotechnical consultants.  

A copy of the summary report has been provided to affected residents and is available on our Berry Hill Quarry Landslip page.

Published: August 14th 2020