Conservation areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest. They are identified so we can protect them and make further improvements to their appearance.

They might include areas of traditional housing, historic town centres or places with industrial heritage.

Conservation areas within the district

There are eleven conservation areas within the district. These are:

  • The Park
  • Market Place
  • Bridge Street
  • West Gate
  • Pleasley Park and Vale
  • Crow Hill Drive
  • Mansfield Woodhouse
  • Church Warsop
  • Nottingham Road
  • Terrace Road
  • Market Warsop

Further information can be found by in our supporting information document (opens in a new window)

For each conservation area, a report called a character appraisal and management plan is produced. This defines and records what makes the conservation area special and suggests ways in which the area should be protected or improved.

Documents are reviewed and updated periodically to record changes. This process also provides the ideal opportunity to review the boundaries of existing conservation areas and, where appropriate, to propose amendments.

For details on the criteria for defining a conservation area, see the Historic England website (opens in a new window).

Planning controls within conservation areas

Enhancements to conservation areas are welcome but they must preserve the character and appearance of the area.

Planning permission is required for:

If you want to carry out work to either your property or business premises and it is in a conservation area, please seek our advice first by visiting our planning webpages.

Careful consideration is given to planning applications within conservation areas, which are protected by Policy HE1 of our Local Plan.

Article 4 directions

Article 4 directions remove the right to carry out certain types of permitted development (opens in a new window). If you want to do work that is covered by an Article 4 direction you will first need to apply for planning permission. Within the district there is one Article 4 direction within a conservation area: