Mental health and wellbeing

Theatre, music and literature

Here you will find information on how to access a range of free shows and events from theatrical performances and live music, through to online literature and audio books.

All details listed on this page are provided for reference only and are not coordinated by us.

The Shows Must Go On

A free musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber every Friday evening at 7pm.

Visit The Show Must Go on YouTube channel for more information.

National Theatre Live

Every Thursday from 7:00pm British Theatre streamed via YouTube
Please view the National Theatre YouTube Page to watch.

Sir Patrick Stewart: One Shakespeare Sonnet a Day

Sir Patrick Stewart OBE will be posting a video every day of lockdown, in which he will be reciting a different Shakespearean sonnet.

Please see Sir Patrick Stewart’s Twitter account for more information.

Ticketmaster Guide to Live Stream Gigs

Check out a comprehensive and regularly updated list of live stream gigs happening across the globe. 
See the Ticketmaster website for more details

Free audio books

Please see the Loyal Books website for access to free audio books.

Audible - Free audio books

Amazons Audible allows you to listen to your favourite books be read to you. 

For more information, please see the Amazon website for more information.


Your library in one app, our vision is now a reality. Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks free from your library using our BorrowBox app.

Please see the BorrowBox website for more information.