Antisocial behaviour (ASB) is unacceptable behaviour that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. This might include:
- using loud foul language
- making threats to neighbours
- using and dealing drugs
- drunken or rowdy behaviour
- Hate crime (behaviour which is racist, homophobic or disability related), or
- damage to property.
However, these do not class as anti-social behaviour:
- young children or babies crying
- someone who talks loudly or shouts
- children playing loudly on the street or park
- boundary disputes, or
- noise nuisance from DIY activities, animals, loud music and TV - report noise nuisance.
What can I do if I am experiencing antisocial behaviour?
If you are experiencing antisocial behaviour, you should keep track of what is happening in an antisocial behaviour incident diary (opens in new window) for at least two weeks. If the activity goes on for more than two weeks, let us know. If you are a council tenant you can also contact your housing officer for extra help.
We have a number of powers we can use to tackle antisocial behaviour.
What is the Community Trigger?
The Community Trigger is a way that members of the public can ask for their complaint of antisocial behaviour (ASB) to be reviewed if the complainant believes there has been a failure to respond appropriately to their complaint.
The Community Trigger criteria is:
The victim/s has/have complained to Mansfield District Council, the Police and/or a Registered Social Landlord three times about separate incidents of antisocial behaviour within one month beginning with the date on which the behaviour is alleged to have occurred.
Find out more about a Community Trigger.
Where else can I get help?
To find your local Police Officer or PCSO visit the Nottinghamshire Police website (opens in new window).
You can also report a crime by contacting Crimestoppers (opens in new window). You do not have to give them your name.
Our response to Serious Violence
Serious violence is a national priority due to its growing prevalence and impact. The term “serious violence” is most often used to define crimes that are considered ‘high harm’ offences where violence has occurred, often culminating in serious harm and/or injury.
Legislative requirements under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 provides statutory duties for council’s and local services to work together to share information and undertake measures to prevent and reduce serious violence.
This requirement includes identifying types of serious violence that occur in responsible areas, the causes of that violence, and prepare and implement a strategy for preventing and reducing it.
We have created an extensive Serious Violence Duty Response Plan with the Serious Violence Partnership and Community Safety Partnerships, to help address the issues in our area.