To raise your concerns about Theft, Fraud, Corruption and so on.
If you need to report a concern relating to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction fraud, please report it on the Gov.UK website (opens in new window)
If you need to report a child or adult safeguarding concern, please report it to Nottinghamshire County Council on the provided link Safeguarding | Nottinghamshire County Council (opens in a new window)
Please complete the form with as much detail as possible and click the "Submit" button when you have finished.
The sender of this form shall remain anonymous. You are not giving any of your details by submitting this form (unless you have provided this information in the box below).
However, your contact details (optional) are useful, if we need to ask you for more information, so we can investigate your concerns. We respect your privacy strictly and will not divulge your personal information to anyone, without your permission (if you have provided your contact details).