Landlords of certain houses in multiple occupation must obtain a licence and to manage the premises within conditions specified on that licence. We carry out safety inspections and issues licences for homes of multiple occupancy.
A landlord must have a licence for a privately-rented House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) if it meets the following criteria:
- any amount of storeys (including usable basements or attics)
- is occupied by five or more people
- those people form two or more households, and
- tenants share some amenities (for example, kitchen, bathroom or WC).
The fee for a HMO licence is as following:
HMO licence up to 6 bedrooms - £760.20 – fee per application
HMO re-licence up to 6 bedrooms – £760.20 fee per application
Additional fee per bedroom for licensing and re-licensing above 6 bedrooms - £45.15
For all HMO applications the first payment for £490 will need to accompany the application and then the remaining fee will be required to be paid when the licence has been issued.
Please contact the Private Sector Housing team on 01623 463212 to arrange for the relevant payment to be made.
For more information please see DASH Guidance on Houses in Multiple Occupation A Landlords Guide (opens in a new window) [771KB]
What should I do if I think a property should be licensed but isn’t?
You can check with us to see if it's already been licensed, or simply tell us the address and other information you think is useful.
We will treat the information in complete confidence.
For further information or advice please contact us or email
Please click on the related content link to:-
- apply for a licence to operate a house in multiple occupation
- download our amenity and space standards for licensable houses in multiple occupation
- read our standard conditions for licensable houses in multiple occupation.