How will I know if an application has been made?
You may receive a letter or see a site notice telling you that an application has been made. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be informed in either way about every proposal that may interest you. Other ways of finding out include:
- using our online planning applications system (opens in a new window)
- local newspapers
- view the planning register on a computer at the civic centre
- contacting the planning service, or
- word of mouth.
How do I comment?
To comment on a planning application, you need to do so in writing, within the deadlines given in the publicity notices. Comments received outside these deadlines but before a decision has been reached will also be considered.
You can do this by:
- email us at
- Registering on our online planning applications system (opens in a new window) and completing the on-line form
- Writing to the Head of Planning and Regeneration, Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19 7BH
Your views
Say what you think, as plainly as possible. By law, we can only consider comments on relevant planning matters. Topics such as loss of views, property values or personal disputes with the applicant would not be taken in to account.
Your details
You should be aware that your letter will be seen by other people, including the applicant. All letters received are open to public inspection on the register and through our online planning applications system (opens in a new window). This means that your address will be displayed on our website as a formal consultee on the planning application.
Speaking at committee
The Planning Applications Committee is a public meeting which anyone can attend. If you wish to speak at the committee, please visit our Questions at meetings page for information on what you need to do.
To find out how decisions are made go to our How applications are dealt with page.