Mansfield Mayor's blog

Keep up to date with what the Executive Mayor of Mansfield, Andy Abrahams, is focusing on.

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Change is in the air

Even though, at the time of writing, the result of the General Election was unknown, the feeling is that 4 July was a line drawn in the sand for change. Change is something that many people are uncomfortable with, but change is the catalyst for progress and improvement, and if you stand still, you invariably go backwards.

In Mansfield and Warsop, we have many ambitious projects that are very challenging and involve change, but we are confident the changes will be transformational for our communities. Although the Warsop Health Hub official opening ceremony is not until mid-July, it is already being embraced and supported by the local community, with fantastic uptake in membership and employment.

Through great partnership work, despite incredibly difficult market conditions, we have delivered the project within budget and on time.

The wellbeing of our communities and respect for cultural heritage are two of the reasons why we have facilitated the asset transfer of Warsop Town Hall to Lifespring Church. Lifespring will now apply for funding to renovate the Warsop Town Hall and provide more accessible facilities for local residents to participate in social activities and get help in partnership with Vibrant Warsop, Big Warsop and Switch Up.

Nothing is more life-changing for our residents than having good-quality homes. We have just completed a housing project at Fritchley Court, Oak Tree, with local contractor Stobuild. Although a relatively small project, it encompasses the principles we are trying to include in all our construction contracts. This includes using brown field sites, designing energy-efficient homes for life to meet the 2025 building regulations that emit 80 percent less CO2 which contributes to our commitment to the climate emergency, recycling 97 percent of all construction waste, and planting trees.

We are ensuring that local contractors and suppliers get the opportunity to tender, be successful, and include social value. The Chief Executive, Rob Story, has really embraced this philosophy, engaging a trainee by providing work experience, engaging with the local school and Trowell Court, donating to the food share scheme, and contributing labour, plant, and materials to renew a local allotment. We are applying this criteria to larger projects, and another local contractor, Mercer Building Solutions, are making great progress at our Bellamy development. The new build shops are about to be handed over for fitting out, the utility diversions and road works have been completed, and the building is now underway for 22 family homes. 

A contactor has now been appointed for our Centenary Road development, which will start on site in September to build 77 affordable council homes. These will be a mix of family apartments, houses and later living bungalows and apartments. 

With a view to around £200m being invested in Mansfield and the surrounding areas over the next few years, we will be attending the Construction Fair on Friday 12 July at West Notts College. This event will give many of our small contractors the opportunity to build relationships with the larger multi-national contractors and hopefully win more work.

It is our aspiration to use the winds of change to transform Mansfield and the surrounding districts into a prosperous, highly skilled area with improved opportunities for all.

10 July 2024

Setting the course for a better future

We have seen many changes in the district over the last few years, not least the effects of a global pandemic and the ongoing challenges of higher inflation on the cost of living. At the same time, we have been successful in securing Levelling Up funding from the government to help us regenerate our district. As such, it has been necessary to look at the council's overall strategy again to consider the shifts in the economic environment and ensure that the authority is addressing the most urgent local needs in a financially resilient way.

‘Towards 2030: A Strategy for Mansfield’ sets out the council's ambitions for the future. We have a big far reaching agenda that is focused on five themes: our communities, our district, our economy, our environment, and our council, under the overall goal - to be an ambitious, caring, and confident district where everyone can prosper. There are already many schemes that are starting to deliver our ambitious programme. You can read the revised strategy in full here. (opens in new window)

The transformational Mansfield Connect project has taken another step forward with the phase one design works contract being awarded to Kier Group Ltd. The aim of the project is to create a multi-agency hub that will deliver to local businesses twofold. Firstly, it will increase footfall in the town by having a one-stop shop for council services, education, benefits, and job support. Secondly, our town centre businesses will further reap the benefits with all these staff and additional visitors using eateries, shopping for goods, and enjoying what the town offers. The Mansfield Connect building will be both refurbished and rebuilt to ensure maximum value for money, while retaining important heritage assets. It is anticipated that the front art deco of the former Co-op building will be retained, and the remaining parts of the building will be demolished and a new building created. It is also anticipated that the existing two shopping link footbridges over Stockwell Gate will be removed within the scheme, opening the entrance to the town centre, and unlocking its vibrancy.

We have just launched our new homelessness strategy for the next five years (opens in new window), which builds on the successes we have achieved. In the recent past, there were issues in the town centre with people sleeping rough, drug taking, begging, and antisocial behaviour. Through positive partnership working between many agencies, including the police, the council's housing team, community safety, and the Mansfield BID (business investment district), we have created a welcoming and safe environment for residents and visitors to the town. Our award-winning First Steps scheme has helped break the cycle of homelessness by providing a wraparound package of support to help address often complex needs such as mental health issues and substance misuse. We are a caring council, and our strategy has six strategic priorities: early intervention, an accessible responsive service, access to sustainable accommodation, developing pathways, improving life chances, and delivering holistic support to find long-term solutions.

I always say actions speak louder than words, so I am pleased that I have been able to help another 15 worthwhile voluntary projects by donating £4,550 out of my Mayoral allowance into the Mayor’s 500 Fund that I set up in 2019.

8 May 2024