Executive Mayor announces his Cabinet

Photo of Councillor Andy Wetton.

Just two weeks after his election victory, Executive Mayor Andy Abrahams announced his new cabinet at Mansfield District Council at the first meeting of the Full Council yesterday.

The five strong cabinet includes both old faces and new, selected to help steer the work of the council.

Deputy Mayor, Stuart Richardson has served on the Council since 2011.

Amanda Fisher is a familiar face and has been an active Woodhouse councillor for eight years.

Andy Burgin is an advocate for Warsop, ward councillor and officer at Ashfield District Council.

Marion Bradshaw and Craig Whitby are newly elected members and joined the Mayor's cabinet bringing a wealth of experience in systems and IT along with housing and social welfare.

The new cabinet is as follows:

Cllr Stuart Richardson - Deputy Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration

Cllr Craig Whitby - Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance

Cllr Andrew Burgin - Portfolio Holder for the Environment

Cllr Marion Bradshaw - Portfolio Holder for Housing

Cllr Amanda Fisher - Portfolio Holder for Communities and Wellbeing.

Executive Mayor Andy Abrahams said:

I am really pleased to introduce my new cabinet. I have established an executive team of people that are right for the job. We now need to work together to bring about a fresh start for Mansfield and deliver a programme of change.

I'm acutely aware of the financial challenges that Mansfield District Council faces due to funding cuts. To address this I have reduced the number of executive appointments from seven to five, combined the roles of the Deputy Mayor and Regeneration and Growth, and put the portfolios of corporate and finance together. This will reduce salary expenditure by more than £30,000.

The first meeting of the Full Council also took place yesterday and included the appointment of Chairman, chairs of committees and external representation of the authority.

Chairman of the Council, Cllr Andy Wetton (Lab).

Vice-Chairman of the Council, Cllr John Smart(Lab)

Chairman of Governance and Ethics, Cllr Mark Fretwell(Lab)

Chairman of Licensing, Cllr John Coxhead(Lab)

Chairman of Planning Committee, Cllr Brian Lohan(Lab)

Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny (Communities), Cllr Sonya Ward (Lab)

Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny (Place), Cllr Ann Norman (Lab)

Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny (Corporate), Cllr Terry Clay (Lab)

Chairman of Polling Places Review, Cllr Sue Swinscoe (Lab). 

Published: May 22nd 2019