New council homes built by local people for local people ready to welcome residents

A picture showing the new flats in Fritchley Court with the builders, Mayor, Chief Executive and council officers stood outside by the front doors

The keys have been handed over to four new one-bed council apartments on a Mansfield estate.

The site which is home to the new flats off Foston Court in Oak Tree is an area that was previously home to an old district heating system boiler house.

storeybuild Ltd, based in Nottingham, was appointed by the council to start the works on site late last year and have now officially presented the keys to Executive Mayor Andy Abrahams and Chief Executive Adam Hill.

The flats are now ready to be allocated to residents on the housing waiting list, with the first occupier due to move in within weeks.

Executive Mayor Andy Abrahams said: “We’re delighted that this housing project is now completed, and four new homes are ready to welcome local people. These new properties are modern and attractive and I’m sure their new residents will be proud to call them home.

“The partnership with local contractor storeybuild has been a huge success. It is a real example of how we work to ensure we procure and support local companies in our district. The development has been built by local people for its local people.

“The supply of high-quality, energy-efficient, and affordable housing is a priority for the council, and this scheme will help meet the needs of our residents.”

As well as using local suppliers for the project, a cohort of carpentry students from West Notts College came to visit the site earlier in the year to learn more about the project and the council’s approach to building sustainable homes. 

The authority approved the £800,000 budget from its Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to redevelop the site in 2022.

There is on-site parking for six cars alongside a communal grass area for residents.

The new homes have been future proofed with low carbon emissions heating and high energy efficiency, meaning they should emit less carbon dioxide emissions than a comparable property built to current building regulations. This in turn means they should be much cheaper for tenants to run.

The construction of these greener homes builds on the council’s commitment to reach net zero by 2040.

Published: July 22nd 2024