Calling all community groups, voluntary groups, and charities in Mansfield.
Applications are now open for two community grant schemes that aim to provide direct benefit to local residents in the district.
Grant in Aid
Grant in Aid is a discretionary financial contribution awarded by Mansfield District Council, to support the delivery of non-statutory services that contribute towards our priorities (opens in new window).
Voluntary groups, community groups and charities can apply for grant in aid funding.
To be eligible to receive grant in aid funding organisations must:
- Either be run on a not for profit basis or any profits generated must be used for the benefits of the users/community the organisation was set up to serve.
- Be located/managed within the Mansfield district and/or provide services/support to district residents. Local branches of national organisations will be considered and could be supported on a purely local basis.
Robin Hood Lottery Community Fund
The Community Fund is distributed to the community by Mansfield District Council. It is available for local groups, charities and good causes to bid into to support activities and projects delivered in the Mansfield district and for the benefit of Mansfield residents and businesses.
To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Need to be an established charity, group (for example a "Friends of" group) or support/advisory service.
- Based in Mansfield or deliver direct benefit to residents and businesses of Mansfield.
- A local branch of a national organisation.
- Operate on a not for profit basis and profits must not be paid out to individuals or shareholders.
The criteria and application form is available to view here (opens in new window).
Applications for both grants close on 29 February 2024.