The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives members of the public and any interested bodies the right to request official information held by public bodies.
All non-personal information is covered by the Act, irrespective of the format that it is held in, so agendas, minutes, maps, photographs are included.
The Act provides you with two statutory rights:
- To be told whether the council holds the information requested
- To be provided with that information, subject to certain conditions.
Our Freedom of Information Policy (opens in new window) sets out the obligations of the council to comply with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
Make a request for information
You can make a request for information using the request for online form, email us at or in writing:
Information Governance Team
Mansfield District Council
Civic Centre
Chesterfield Road South
NG19 7BH
Your request must include your name and postal address or email address so we can respond to you, as well as sufficient detail for us to be able to find the information you want.
We are required by law to answer all Freedom Of Information requests within 20 working days. If this cannot be achieved for any reason we will contact you and provide you with a completion date.
If you do not believe our reply to your request does not include all of the information requested you should first of all make a complaint via our complaints procedure. If after following this procedure you are still not satisfied, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner (opens in new window)