The Licensing Act 2003 covers:
To make sure that licensable activities are carried out in the public interest, we must operate according to the four licensing objectives:
- Prevention of crime and disorder.
- Public safety.
- Prevention of public nuisance.
- Protection of children from harm.
Licensing policy
We are required to develop and review a Statement of Licensing Policy (opens in new window) [407kb].
The aim of the policy is to secure the safety and amenity of residential communities, whilst facilitating a sustainable entertainment and cultural industry.
We work in partnership with police, fire service, local businesses, licensing trade, residents and others towards the promotion of the objectives as set out in this policy.
The policy provides information and guidance to applicants, objectors and interested parties on the general approach that we will take in terms of licensing.
Nothing in this document should be regarded or interpreted as an indication that any requirement of licensing or other law may be overridden.
Best Bar None scheme
Best Bar None is a national award scheme for licensed premises.
It rewards pubs, bars and nightclubs that provide:
- good management,
- a safe and enjoyable environment for customers,
- discourage binge drinking, and
- prevent alcohol-related crime.
It encourages licensees to act responsibly and take pride in their premises and surroundings and, in doing so, put something back into the town and their local community.