The Robin Hood Lottery is an online weekly local lottery set up by Mansfield District Council and managed on the authority's behalf by Gatherwell - an External Lottery Management Company.
Tickets cost just £1 and 10p from every ticket sold goes into the Robin Hood Community Fund. A further 50 pence will be allocated to the Community Fund if a player does not purchase a ticket to support a specific cause.
The Community Fund is distributed to the community by Mansfield District Council. It will be available for local groups, charities and good causes to bid into to support activities and projects delivered in the Mansfield district and for the benefit of Mansfield residents and businesses.
How to apply
This fund is currently closed to applicants.
Please give as much detail as you can so that your application can be easily and quickly processed.
Who can apply
Voluntary groups, community groups and charities that operate or provide direct benefit to Mansfield residents. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Need to be an established charity, group (for example a "Friends of" group) or support/advisory service.
- Based in Mansfield or deliver direct benefit to residents and businesses of Mansfield.
- A local branch of a national organisation.
- Operate on a not for profit basis and profits must not be paid out to individuals or shareholders.
How much funding can be applied for?
Applications can be made for up to £2,000 per organisation per year. Whilst grants from the Robin Hood Community Fund can be used to pay for 100% of the revenue costs of a project, applications will be considered more favourable where they can demonstrate that they can provide match funding. The fund can also contribute towards larger capital outlays.
Capital funding
Capital costs include help to fund one-off planned expenditure on buildings, items of equipment and for the purchase of a specific service for example: room hire, training, transport costs and specialist support.
Capital grants would be paid upon receipt of paid invoice(s) for goods or services from the group/organisation.
Revenue funding
Revenue bids can be made to help with day to day running costs incurred in providing services to residents of Mansfield district. For example rent and utility costs, employee costs, general office costs, staging performances, exhibitions and publications.
Evidence of other external funding may be required as revenue grants may not be made to organisations whose sole source of income would be the council.
How will applications be vetted and approved?
All applicants must submit an independently audited statement of accounts, which should include income and expenditure account and balance sheet.
Grants are awarded on the condition that the funding is used for the purpose stated on the application form and is for a lawful purpose. Grants will not be awarded for political purposes.
Organisations can apply for grants twice a year. A maximum of £2,000 will be awarded to any one applicant per financial year. Projects that receive Grant in Aid from the council will be able to apply to the Robin Hood Lottery Community Fund as well. Only expenditure incurred in the current financial year will be considered for financial support, applications cannot be submitted for retrospective costs incurred in previous years or costs due in future financial years.
Previous years' Grant in Aid financial support to groups will be taken into consideration when reviewing applications. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
Letting you know about your application
We will write to you to inform if your application has been successful.