Your Council Tax bill assumes that there are at least two adults over 18 living in the property as their main home (more than two people make no difference to the charge)
A 25% Single Persons Discount on Council Tax bills is available to households where only one adult is living in the property. The discount is not means tested so it doesn't matter how much income or savings you have.
Please remember when applying for a discount that the information you give must be true and complete.
Apply for a Single Persons Discount
For more information about the various types of Council Tax discounts and exemptions available, please visit our discounts and exemptions page.
Single Persons Discount review
From time to time we carry out a review of Single Persons Discounts claimed to ensure that only those entitled are receiving the discount. We may ask you to confirm that you're the only adult living at the address. The review is done by comparing Council Tax information with other data to identify cases where more than one adult is living at an address and a discount is still being claimed.
If you receive a discount you think you should no longer receive, it is important that you tell us before we contact you as failure to do so will result in your discount being cancelled and a penalty may be imposed.
How to respond to your review
Please remember that the information you give must be true and complete. You must tell us about any change in circumstances which may affect your entitlement. If you do not tell us, a penalty may be imposed on you. You can contact us by:
Using the online form: Use this form to tell us that you are no longer entitled to a Single Persons Discount because someone has moved in with you.
Cancel Single Persons Discount
Returning your review by post: If you have received a review letter and you think that you are still entitled to the discount, or that your discount should end, but from a different date to that shown on the letter, you must complete the declaration on the reverse of the review letter and return it to the Council immediately by post to: Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, NG19 1BH.
E-mail: please mark your email 'Single Persons Discount' in the subject field and make sure you include the following information:
- Your Council Tax Number
- Your full name
- Your full address
- A current contact telephone number
- Confirmation that you are still entitled to the discount or that your discount should end, but from a different date to that shown on the letter (please ensure that you tell us the date that you think your discount should end).
Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact the Council Tax Team on 01623 463463.