Members' allowances and expenses

Elected members receive an allowance for carrying out their council duties and are entitled to expenses.


An Independent Panel makes recommendations every four years to set the Scheme of Allowances for elected members. This is considered by Full Council who will vote to either accept, reject or make amendments to the recommended scheme.

The current allowances for 2024-25 are:

Elected member basic allowance - £6,385.95

Allowances for special responsibilities:

  • Executive Mayor - £49,377.04
  • Deputy Mayor - £16,691.88
  • Portfolio Holder - £13,827.83
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair - £6,920.95
  • Planning Applications Committee Chair - £9,587.85
  • Licensing Committee Chair - £7,505.10
  • Governance and Standards Chair - £4,937.00
  • Independent member of Governance and Standards Committee - £531.00
  • Leader of the main opposition group not on Cabinet - £988.45
  • Group Leaders receive an allowance based upon the number of members in the group - £319.59
  • Civic allowance for Chair of Council - £2,586.19
  • Civic allowance for Vice-Chair of Council - £1,065.30

Members cannot claim more than one Special Responsibility Allowance.


Members receive a flat rate travel allowance for travelling to and from the Civic Centre whilst carrying out council business. They are also entitled to additional expenses for travel, food and accommodation if they are on council business outside of the district.