
The Cabinet is responsible for strategic decisions and recommends proposals for approval by Full Council on the budget, Council Tax levels and the council's policy framework.

Members of the Cabinet are called Portfolio Holders and each has a specific area of responsibility. They make decisions on how our policies and services are delivered.

The portfolios are:

  • Corporate and Finance including equality and diversity, risk management, freedom of information, internal audit, marketing and communications, information technology, counter fraud, long-term financial strategy, capital and revenue budgets, council tax, asset management, insurance and health and safety.
  • Environment and Leisure including parks, nature reserves, allotments, cemeteries and crematorium, street cleansing, refuse collection, vehicle fleet management, town centre, leisure contracts and health and sports development.
  • Regeneration and Growth including planning policy, local plan, housing and business growth, housing company shareholder, employment and skills, business support, promotion and development of the Place including culture and heritage and regeneration. 
  • Wellbeing, Health and Safer Communities including environmental health, public health, health and wellbeing, community safety and CCTV.
  • Housing including private sector housing, housing revenue account business plan, tenants, special needs housing, housing allocations, homelessness strategy, council housing portfolio and asset management and disabled facilities grants.

Cabinet meetings are held when they are required to conduct business. Members vote on recommendations within reports submitted on a meeting agenda.

Members of the Cabinet

The cabinet is made up of the Executive Mayor and five councillors, who are appointed by the Mayor.

This year's Portfolio Holders are:

Cabinet decisions

See meetings, agendas and minutes for decisions made by the Cabinet or executive delegated decisions.

Our Key decisions lists details of decisions which are due to be taken by the Cabinet.