Tenant scrutiny panel
A group of tenants and residents meet once a month to look at our services and how we are working and make suggestions on how we can improve our services. The panel produces a report after every scrutiny exercise. See our How to become a member of the Scrutiny Panel page for more information on becoming a member.
We also publish our Annual Report which gives you the opportunity to scrutinise our performance as a landlord without having to become a member of the panel.
Estate walkabouts
Our estate walkabouts give you another chance to have a say about your neighbourhood. The walkabouts are open to all our tenants. It's a good opportunity to find out what work is taking place in the area and to raise any concerns you may have as a tenant.
To find out about more please ask your Housing Officer.
Community champions
Community champions are individuals or groups that operate in and around the district of Mansfield to undertake activities to improve their neighbourhoods and the health and wellbeing of their communities. Small grants are available for individuals and groups that meet certain criteria (TRA recognition criteria) (opens in new window) [289kb].
Consultation and feedback
So we can identify our customers' needs and expectations, we carry out surveys including the STAR Survey (Standardised Tenant and Resident Survey) (opens in new window) [836kb] every two years.