Key facts about Mansfield district


Life expectancy at birth (1 year range - 2021) for Mansfield males is 78 years. This is 1.2 years lower than the East Midlands figure of 79,2 years, and is 1.4 years lower than the England average of 79.4 years.

Life expectancy at birth (1 year range - 2021) for Mansfield females is 80.7. This is 1.7 years lower than the East Midlands figure of 82.4 years and 2.1 years lower than the England average of 82.8.

Mansfield has an above average for smoking prevalence, with 24.8% of residents in 2021 being smokers, compared to 13.4% of residents in East Midlands and 13% of residents across England.

Across the 2021/22 period, Mansfield had slightly lower levels of physical activity (62.8%) when compared to both England (67.3%) and the rest of the East Midlands region (66.3%).