The Planning Applications Committee comprises of 11 Elected Members who make planning decisions not delegated to officers, usually on major and more sensitive planning applications received by the Council for in the district.
Very broadly, applications are considered by Planning Applications Committee if:
- the application is referred by a district councillor
- the proposal is of large scale, or
- the proposal conflicts with planning policy but there are other planning reasons to support.
Otherwise, the decision is likely to be made by the officers under delegated powers and there is no right to speak on these matters. See how planning applications are dealt with for more details.
Members of the public, agents and applicants are able to speak at committee meetings. See our asking questions at council meetings page for details.
Planning Applications Committee meets approximately every four weeks. See meetings, agendas and minutes for meetings from April 2023. For any meetings before this, please see pre-april 2023 meetings, agendas and minutes for more information.
Members of Planning Applications Committee
Councillor Andy Wetton was elected Chair of the Committee for 2023-24 in May 2023. For a full list of Members of this committee, please see our Planning Applications Committee meetings page.
Speaking at Planning Applications Committee meetings
The purpose of public speaking at Planning Applications Committee is to enable people to make their views directly on development proposals other than just by letter.
For helpful advice on how the procedures operate, view our Public speaking procedures at meetings of the Planning Applications Committee leaflet. All matters of procedure during the meeting will be at the discretion of the Chairman of the Planning Applications Committee.
If you wish to speak at the committee, please fill out this Speaking at a Planning Applications Committee form.
Planning Applications Committee decisions
See meetings, agendas and minutes for decisions made by the Planning Applications Committee made after April 2023, please see pre-April 2023 meetings, agendas and minutes for anything that came before this, or visit our online planning system (opens in new window).