The Licensing Committee comprises of 11 Elected Members and meets approximately four times a year to determine applications made under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 and agree overall licensing policy. They make decisions on applications for:
- hackney carriage and private hire vehicles
- animal welfare
- massage and special treatments
- alcohol licensing and regulated entertainment
- gambling within the district, and
- personal and premises licences.
The Licensing Panel is held when:
- licensing applications are submitted
- reviews of licences or,
- the change of a licence.
Members of the Licensing Committee and Panel
Councillor John Coxhead was elected Chair of the Committee for 2023-24 in May 2023. For a full list of Members of this committee, please see our Licensing Committee meetings page.
See meetings, agendas and minutes for decisions made by the Licensing Committee and Licensing Panel since April 2023. For decision made before this, please see pre-April 2023 meetings, agendas and minutes.