Members of the public can attend Council meetings to ask questions about our services and decisions.
Questions need to be submitted by:
- completing and returning the form
- email, or
- writing to the Monitoring Officer, Mansfield District Council, Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, NG19 7BH
When submitting the question, you must give your name, address and email address (contact details will not be disclosed without your permission). You must also give the address at which you live or your business address that is within the district.
For Council and statutory committees, your question must be submitted no later than 12noon, seven working days before the day of the meeting.
For Overview and Scrutiny Committees and individual Delegated Decisions, your question must be submitted no later than 12noon on the working day before the meeting. See meetings, agendas and minutes for when these meetings are.
If your question relates to an item listed on the Cabinet agenda, it should be submitted by 10am on the day of the meeting.
The public, agents and applicants are able to speak during Planning Applications Committee by using the request to speak form provided. Requests to speak must be received by 5pm at least two working days before the meeting.
What can I ask?
Questions must be relevant to council services, but not be about individual/personal issues. Your question should be limited to one subject, but may have more than one part.
A supplementary question may also be asked at the meeting if it is related to the original question. Only questions which meet our criteria will be accepted.
Who will respond to my question?
Your question will be answered by the most appropriate person depending on what your question is about. This will be by the Executive Mayor, Portfolio Holder for the relevant service or the Committee Chairman.
Questions asked at Full Council
View the latest questions from the public asked at Full Council.