Cleaner, Greener Mansfield

We are focusing our attention on the environment and what we can all do to make Mansfield a cleaner, greener place.

In response to the global emergency of climate change, we have put this topic at the top of our priorities, embedding the theme into our corporate strategy and wider delivery plans that span the length and breadth of the organisation.

One of the first major improvements is our new glass collections from domestic properties. The service is free and will sit alongside our existing three bin scheme; green for general waste, blue for recycling and brown for garden waste. We also offer trade recycling services to commercial customers.

Green issues have been taken into account in our new procurement strategy, which means that the impact on the local environment has to be considered by suppliers when providing services to the council. This puts the environmental impact on par with value for money, compliancy and social value.

The council is considering the efficiency of its buildings and making changes to energy supply along with a whole host of other things including a review of fleet to include the trialling of electric vehicles, reducing vehicle movement in the town centre to improve air quality, introducing energy efficient LED lighting in the town centre and reviewing our street cleansing activities.

The environment is important to the council’s place shaping aspirations to sustain clean, green and thriving communities. Environment is one of the factors, which impacts on good health too so it also has direct links to our Wellbeing priority to have a flourishing district where people are happy and healthy.

We’re looking to reduce our carbon footprint and encourage residents and businesses to do the same. You can check your impact on the environment on the WWF website (opens in new window) and take steps to live a greener lifestyle. This useful environmental hub provides suggestions on what you can do to change the way you live and how to reduce the use of carbon day to day.