Leisure contract

On 18 March 2020 a delegated decision was taken by the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure to approve the recommendations made by our consultants FMG on the future of leisure provision across the Mansfield district.

The report approved that the council continues to manage its leisure service through an outsourced operating model and that this opportunity is tendered to the open market. It also approved the feasibility of River Maun Recreation Centre being transferred as a community asset.

River Maun Recreation Centre Community Asset Transfer report

The contract review will be completed by the end of the financial year of 2020-21 with a new contract in place from 31 April 2022.

We are keen to build on our existing assets and look for new opportunities in the wellbeing sector to ensure that Mansfield is a vibrant place to live and that our future generations have the best chance in life.

Reviewing the contract allows a new focus on improving health and wellbeing outcomes for our community and concentrate on the active communities programme to tackle poverty, create opportunities for everyone and change the wellbeing of our communities for the long-term.

It also affords the opportunity to review our capital assets and make the best use of them.

The review includes the provision to the wellbeing agenda from the following venues:

Key milestones of the project



April 2020

Appoint external consultancy to support the contract procurement exercise and Community Asset Transfer process as well as existing contractual negotiations with Serco

April 2020

Commence work on the feasibility of a Community Asset Transfer for River Maun Recreation Centre

October 2020

Commence procurement exercise and associated work for example tender specifications, contract terms etc.

April 2021

Complete Community Asset Transfer of River Maun Recreation Centre subject to successful feasibility and assessment

30 April 2021

Serve formal 1 year notice to MDLT of intention to cancel existing contractual arrangements

December 2021

Complete procurement exercise and appoint leisure management contractor

1 May 2022  

Commence new contract arrangements

Dates are indicative and subject to change.

Background information

Delegated Decision Report

News story

Contacting us

Contact us by email at leisurecontract@mansfield.gov.uk