
We offer highly effective and competitively priced advertising rates for our publications and locations around the district that can help you reach thousands of people.

These prices are in effect from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. Please note that all prices are inclusive of VAT.

Civic centre information screens

Some 30,000 customers flow through our reception and benefits desk each year. Messages can be delivered via a flat screen to a captive audience.

Public and voluntary sector
£111 per calendar month

Private sector
£185 per calendar month

Digital screen on West Gate

Approx 7ft x 3ft digital display board which shows adverts in a prime location on West Gate, Mansfield town centre outside Primark.

The advert will run on a slide show of up to a maximum of 50 different adverts that are on screen for 10 seconds at a time. Your message will be broadcast as a maximum of every 12.5 minutes and during the busiest shopping period of 11am to 4pm, it will have the opportunity to be viewed 62 times a day, or 434 times a week.

You pay for just five hours of advertising a day, but your advert will appear 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Price: £58 per week

If you would like artwork creating, we will supply a basic design with maximum two amends for £30.

Minimum advertising period of one week.

Artwork must be created to the design specification (1080 x 1920 pixels, JPEG, no bigger than 1MB and maximum 96 dpi) and supplied to the Marketing and Communications team at

Town centre poster points

Price: £589 per calendar month 

The poster point location is inside four of the Four Seasons Shopping Centre lifts (A4 size). Minimum booking of two months. 

MyMansfield - Digital resident magazine 

This is an A5 magazine produced by the marketing and communications team, published twice a year and available to view on our website.

Spring/summer - published in March

Autumn/winter - published in October

  • Full page - £50
  • Half page - £35
  • Quarter page - £15