Half of advance tickets sold for Luminarium in Mansfield

Luminarium comes to Mansfield Easter 2024

People wanting to visit a giant inflatable sculpture in Mansfield at Easter are being advised to book early after half the advance tickets have sold within two weeks of them going on sale.

The world-renowned Architects of Air Luminarium sculpture will land in Chesterfield Road Park from Thursday 4 to Saturday 13 April. 
Cllr Stuart Richardson, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Growth, said: “We are all so excited to welcome this amazing globally acclaimed artwork to our community and judging by ticket sales so far, it looks like being a big hit in Mansfield, building on the success of Light Night which had 15,000 visitors.
“It will be a fantastic school holiday excursion so we recommend people book in advance to avoid any disappointment.”
Entry is £3 per person. Children under 16 will only be admitted with an accompanying adult. One adult can accompany up to four children. Children under two and carers can get in free. Carers must register as Essential Companions via the Box Office on 01623 463133.
The luminarium will be open from 10am, with the last entry at 4pm, It is suitable for all ages and abilities. Wheelchairs will be given priority entry. Prams, pushchairs and dogs, including assistance dogs, have to stay outside. Staff will be on hand to guide anyone with additional needs. 
The Luminarium has been presented all over the world in various formats for the past 32 years and been visited by more than three million people in that time. 
It will be the Timisien version that comes to Mansfield. The name comes from the Romanian city of Timișoara which was to have been the première presenter of the sculpture in 2021 but the pandemic delayed this from happening.
The multi-sensory experience is described as both calming and exciting with visitors able to explore a colourful labyrinth of tunnels and cavernous domes accompanied by a gentle sensory soundscape. Daylight penetrates the inflatable, creating saturated and subtle hues and vivid reflections of colour. The main dome features a rare heptagonal motif from Islamic traditional architecture. The smaller outer dome is inspired by Gaudi's Casa Güell in Barcelona.
Luminarium designer, artist Alan Parkinson, of Architects of Air, said: “The first reaction is often one of delight at the unexpected beauty of the light. 
“Daylight - transmitted by the translucent coloured parts of the luminarium - is surprising in its luminosity and makes a direct impact on the senses. No two visits are alike as the atmosphere inside alters according to changing weather and light outside.
“It is both a stimulating environment but also calming, comforting. Many people find the luminarium a place for rest or contemplation. 
“Some have compared the experience to like walking through a stained glass window or like being inside a gigantic strange breathing organic but comforting creature.”
It originally grew out of a theatre project for people with learning disabilities to entice communities who might not otherwise attend a public art event because of a perception that they may not be able to participate.
Feedback from the parents and carers of disabled people who have visited is overwhelmingly positive with many reporting that disabled visitors found the experience engaging, relaxing and mesmerising.
The installation is a Mansfield District Council event and is thanks to funding by the government and Arts Council England as part of the council’s National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) status and the Destination Mansfield programme.
These programmes are bringing world class cultural experiences to Mansfield to help raise the profile of the district both regionally and nationally.
The aim is to develop the visitor economy in the district as well culturally enriching local people, strengthening a sense of community spirit and creating opportunities for people to gain new skills.
Destination Mansfield and NPO funded events later in the year include Party on the Market in on Sunday 2 June; Mansfield Carnival on Saturday 22 June; Mansfield Film Festival in July and Walk the Plank Breathe, a major art installation about the human body in October. 
For more details see the Events pages on the council website (link opens in new window) at  or sign up to the mailing list for news about events (link opens in new window) or follow the council’s Facebook page (link opens in new window).

Published: 7th March 2024